Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dawkins Dawkins everywhere!

So he was on the Colbert Report, he's on myspace, he's been on NPR...and now he's been mocked on South Park! I'm sure the episode will turn up on YouTube or you can probably see clips of it on Comedy Central's webpage. Basically, Ms(r) Garrison refuses to teach evolution to his class because he doesn't believe it (he says we are the retarded offspring of five monkeys having butt sex with retarded fish frogs) and so the principal brings in Richard Dawkins to explain evolution. Of course he promotes his atheism, converts Ms. Garrison to atheism and apparently changes the whole world. Go Dawkins Go! :)


Emily said...

Ohohoh, that's awesome! Man, he's really made it into American culture if Matt and Trey do an episode about it. Now if only he could make it onto a talk show on the TBN-Trinity Broadcasting Network (with Tammy Fae and the other awesome televangelists). Ah well, one can always dream. ;)

Aaron Goetz said...

haha! Yeah, I did catch that one last night. It was pretty funny, but I didn't like seeing Dick Dawkins having anal sex with Mr(s). Garrison. But there will be more: that was part 1 of a 2-part series!

Emily said...

Oh yeah, so apparently Matt and Trey are doing an atheism show because they think it's ridiculous, and because they've railed on all the organized religions and think it's atheism's turn. Check out the interview with them on ABC on youTube (posted on the Dawkins myspace page).

Judy Easton said...

I just watched it...very interesting but I hope they aren't serious that the Big Bang is the worst "creationist" story they've heard.