Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Follow-up to Dawkins' "Root of all Evil"

The first half of Dawkins follow-up to "Root of all Evil" is available on google video. It's called "Enemies of Reason." I've already watched it, and it's very good. It's not really until the end of this first half that he starts to talk about teleological reasoning and evolutionay explanations, so be patient. I don't want to spoil anymore before you've seen it. So go watch it and then we can discuss.

Here's the link:


Did you guys see this (on the HBES listserv)? Anyone signing up?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Creationism Museum pictures

Just in case you've been jonesing to get to KY to visit the huge waste of multiple millions of dollars also known as the Creation Museum, here's a set of Flickr pictures someone took and put online for your viewing pleasure. I haven't examined them recently but when I looked at them a couple months ago, the comments below the pictures were definitely worth reading. Enjoy and try to avoid brain implosion: Creation Museum

A couple gems:
Darwin already explained the damn finches!!
Magical origins of incest

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Creation Science Cartoon

Ok so here's something entertaining and yet a little on the scary side...just remember our children are the future and we should not let them become dangerous idiots!

Creation Science Cartoon


Monday, August 06, 2007

Welcome, part II

Hey guys,
So in a super important email discussion (not really), Aaron, Judy and I decided to open up this old FAU EP blog to the rest of our evolutionary-minded colleagues. Who wouldn't love an(other) outlet to discuss evolutionary ideas and articles, right? Anyway, great to have you new people, and feel free to post any interesting findings you come across, questions, ideas, whatever.

So to kick it all off, has anyone come across any neat-o articles lately? What's the coolest paper you've read recently?

(P.S. Sorry for the very high dork factor in this post. I promise future posts of mine will be much more suave and entertaining. ;)
