Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Did you guys see this (on the HBES listserv)? Anyone signing up?


Judy Easton said...

Do you think we'll be forced to participate in his strange new "out" campaign if we sign up? I really do admire Dawkins but I'm not too crazy about his recent force everyone to be atheist campaign. It's just too much like religious fanaticism for my taste.

Carin Perilloux said...

Is the OUT campaign an attempt to make everyone an atheist? I thought it was just a way for atheists to stand up and be proud that they are an atheist, rather than hiding it and being ashamed or not wanting to talk about it. I haven't joined the OUT campaign, but I wonder if they could have chosen a different word. I mean having "OUT" stickers and whatnot kind of implies that you're homosexual -- at least that's the first thing I'd think. :P I'm sure Dawkins in his infinite literary genius could have come up with a better, more specific word...

PS - I just registered on the website and there was no mention of the "OUT" campaign so feel free to register at least.