Thursday, October 12, 2006

MILG--Mother I'd like to Guard

Hey guys,

Did you see this theoretical paper in Proceedings that models when offspring should "mother guard" to protect their inclusive fitness interests? Pretty intriguing! Any thoughts on how/if this might work in humans? See the abstract below.

Mother guarding: how offspring may influence the extra-pair behaviour of their parents
Justin A. Welbergen* and Suhel Quader

In this paper we propose a novel form of social control of mate choice. Through mother guarding, offspring can help in protecting the paternity of their father by preventing their mother from engaging in extra-pair matings. We present a model that predicts the circumstances under which mothers should be selected to seek or avoid extra-pair matings, and existing offspring should be selected to prevent or promote such matings. In its simplest form, our model shows that offspring are selected to mother guard as long as the viability of extra-pair young is less than twice that of within-pair young; when the relative viability is greater, offspring are selected to promote extra-pair mating by their mother. If the existing offspring are not necessarily sired by their mother’s social mate, then the potential for conflict is further reduced. We also consider whether offspring have an interest in the extra-pair reproduction of their fathers. We show that when the costs of the father’s infidelity to the mother’s brood are high, existing offspring are selected to prevent extra-pair mating by their father; when such costs are low, offspring are selected to promote extrapair mating by their father. In principle, our model applies to all species where offspring show delayed dispersal and where breeding pairs raise multiple broods or litters. This situation exists in, but is not limited to, the majority of cooperatively breeding species. The significance of this model with regard to our current understanding of the evolution of extra-pair behaviour in such species is discussed.

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