Sunday, October 01, 2006

F mate prefs among the Ache

I'm reading a chapter from Hill and Hurtado's 1996 book on the Ache, and I thought this was an interesting conversation revealing what women prefer in a partner. I whole-heartedly agree with these Ache women! ;) But is this captured in a single measure in the 18 Buss prefs, or do you think it's a combination of a few? Anyway, thought y'all might find it interesting too. (Note the joke telling part! ;)

Kim Hill: Achipura, what kind of man could get many women, what kind did women love, the kind who could easily find a wife?

Achipuragi: He had to be a good hunter.

KH: So if a man was a good hunter he could easily find a wife.

A: No, not just a good hunter. A good hunter could find a wife, but a man needed to be strong.

KH: When you say strong, do you mean a man who could beat up others in a club fight?

A: No, women don't like those men. Women don't like men who love to hit others. I mean a strong man. One who would walk far to hunt, one who would carry heavy loads. I mean a man who would work hard when everyone was tired, or build a hut when it was cold and rainy, a man who would carry his children and get firewood at night. I mean a man who was strong. A man who could endure and would not get tired.

KH: Did women love big men then (i.e., men of large body size)?

A: No, they would love a small man or a large man, but he had to be strong.

KH: What other men would be able to acquire a wife easily?

A: A man who was a "good man."

KH: What does that mean, "a good man"?

A: A good man is one who is handsome (attractive face). One whom women love. One who is nice and smiles and tells jokes. He is a man who is handsome. A "good man" is a man whom women love.


Judy Easton said...

I think it's capturing a few...particularly the last answer that includes the personality type qualities. It is interesting that the man doesn't have to be "big" just strong. Kinda like what we were thinking with the MP shifts stuff. Thanks for posting that!

Emily said...

I think the first quality the guy is describing may be the hard-to-fake honest signaling of "commitment." Who knows, but I thought it was interesting! :)

Angel Love said...

I have to agree with most of the statements.