Thursday, September 14, 2006

Conceptual Foundations of EP?

Ok for our Evolutionary Social Psych class, David assigned a 6 page paper on what we consider to be the conceptual foundations of evolutionary psychology. It's been interesting to me to see what my fellow lab mates chose...while there was some overlap, we all had some things different. What would you guys pick?

Here was the exact assignment: "I am looking for YOUR take--what you perceive to be the most fundamental conceptual foundations of the field. Perhaps 5 - 8 fundamentals, with a paragraph devoted to each, justifying it as a part of the conceptual foundation. Each foundational pillar must be justified, that is, precisely why do you view it as part of the conceptual foundation?"

I already made my choices (the paper is due tomorrow) so I'll reveal them after everyone else posts theirs (that way...mine aren't prompters...). (Please feel free to skip the paragraph but perhaps a sentence for why important would be good for discussion purposes...)

Have fun!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oooh, I'm gonna say that our brain consists of (1) many (as in domain specific) (2) cognitive decision rules (psychological mechanisms) selected for (3) in the "EEA" (4) by natural selection (as opposed to god ;), and these should manifest in a (5) species-typical (universal) manner.

How's that for 6 pages condensed into a sentence? ;) I'm sure I left something out. How do yours compare?

P.S. It's freakin' practically winter here! It snowed in the mountains next to town over the weekend, and I've got the heater up again today! Crazy.