Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Psychological mechanisms vs. behavior: which would win a boxing match?

Hi buddies,

I just thought I'd post a comment about a disappointing experience I had today in a discussion group. Basically, it was a frustrating (though brief--Elizabeth broke it up before it got too intense) discussion of psychological mechanisms vs. behavioral outcomes, and the value of each as products of evolution. Anyway, I probably should've expected as much, as I'm in anthropology here, but hopefully I can at some point get a few people to slow down and appreciate what is driving this behavior they so prize, and that mismatches between psychological preferences and behavior are not just something to be ignored in favor of pure emphasis on behavior. The mechanisms behind this behavior were selected, too. Anyway, arg, there's no need for comments in response to this, I just needed to vent to a sympathetic audience.

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