Friday, October 19, 2007

James Watson: the Bell Curve Part 2?

I'm not sure if anyone's reading this these days, but I just wanted to throw this out there--any comments on this Nobel Prize winning scientist's latest remarks? Or did the newspaper make 'em up?



Judy Easton said...

Diana had some good ones last week, but I'll let her post them if she still reads this. I don't think the newspaper made them up, because Nature has taken to reporting on it.

Here's a link to their story:

Judy Easton said...

What I didn't know (to expand upon my last comment) is that he was so outspoken and slightly crazy all along. But I guess in that context, what he said this time isn't quite as surprising, just a little over the deep end. But I'm also surprised people let him get away with it. It's like letting the rich get away with whatever they want. Just because he helped cracked the mystery of DNA doesn't mean that he should be allowed to be a total jerk when making public statements.

Just my two cents.

Kayla C said...

good points judy. i don't know that he's "getting away with it" though - i just read that he has resigned. it appears he was not given a choice. Here's thie link:

Maybe he's realized he's a bit too old and can no longer trust himself to think before he speaks. obviously there wasn't much of a filter here.

Emily said...

Speaking of being old and saying things one shouldn't, I read somewhere recently that older individuals show less activity in parts of the brain associated with cognitive control...suggestive of why my grandfather let slip inappropriate comments about "the help" in his assisted living place. That cognitive feature of aging probably didn't help if, as Judy mentioned, he was already slightly crazy all along. ;)