Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Follow-up to Dawkins' "Root of all Evil"

The first half of Dawkins follow-up to "Root of all Evil" is available on google video. It's called "Enemies of Reason." I've already watched it, and it's very good. It's not really until the end of this first half that he starts to talk about teleological reasoning and evolutionay explanations, so be patient. I don't want to spoil anymore before you've seen it. So go watch it and then we can discuss.

Here's the link:


Emily said...

Hey Kayla, so I'm extremely belated in responding, but I did watch this. Very interesting. I love how he tested the water-diviners, or whatever, and the horoscopes on the street! Dawkins is bring science to the masses! (And I had more specific comments at the time, but I'm afraid I've since forgotten them. Perhaps someone else can remind me of the controversial issues.)

Emily said...

P.S. Thanks for posting!