Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Interesting Article

Hi all! (or y'all I suppose as the Texans say it....LOL)

I don't know if you guys have seen this article, Buss sent it around to us but also to Todd so if it's old news...sorry.

Anyway it's a commentary by Steven Pinker on Richard Dawkins.,,23114-2066881,00.html



Aaron Goetz said...

Thanks for the heads up, Judy.

Todd didn't alter us to that one, but he did send around a really good, up-to-date article on modularity.

Barrett, HC & Kurzban, R (2006). Modularity in cognition: Framing the debate. Psychological Review, 113, 628-647.

Email me ( if you want the pdf.

Emily said...

Very cool, thanks Judy!

P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (yesterday) :)

Judy Easton said...

You're welcome!

And thanks for the birthday wishes! :-)